DRO Trimmer v3 r2 has been released.
- Add ability to play DRO songs within DRO Trimmer
- Add command-line executable "dro_player" to play songs
- Audio setup is read from an external "drotrim.ini" file
- Change "Line" column to "Pos."
- Different register search range - only up to 0xFF (will find usage in both low and high banks)
- For V2 files, display high/low bank status in the register (e.g. "0x105" for register 5 in the high bank)
- Validate V2 codemap does not exceed 128 entries
Note that the DRO Player functionality is totally optional if you're running the Python files directly; DRO Trimmer will degrade gracefully if you are missing the PyOPL or PyAudio libraries, so you can still edit files as normal, you just won't be able to play them within DRO Trimmer.
The command-line "dro_player" tool can be used to play an DRO song, handy if you're on a PC without a different DRO player (like Winamp + AdPlug).
You need to have the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 runtimes installed in order to run the Windows executable for DRO Trimmer v3 r2. This is due to switching to Python 2.7.
Thanks to Adam Nielsen (Malvineous) for documenting the DRO v2 format, writing PyOPL and updating it to add support for Dual OPL-2 and OPL-3, and answering my questions!
Python Source (26.24 KB)
Win32 Executable (5.46 MB)
EDIT 2012-05-05: download links fixed.