I've heard whispers that The Clue! is being considered for inclusion in ScummVM. I'd love if it was. This got me looking into the source code for The Clue!, which was released to the public quite a few years ago.
It looks like there was a "Profidisk" expansion released for the game, but only for the German version. This expansion adds a few more scenarios for burglarising. I'd like to play this expansion in the English version, but lack the Deutsch to translate it myself, so if anyone out there could help me, contact me at my e-mail (listed later).
Turns out the text requires very little to change; all text data is stored in external files, which are XOR encrypted using a key ox 0x75. At this point I'm not sure if any graphics will require editing, for now I will concentrate on the text.
If anyone wants to help me out by translating the text, I'd be grateful. E-mail me at jestarjokin@jestarjokin.net.
Also, while the German game data was released to the public, the English version remains in limbo. Would it be worthwhile to translate the whole game into English again, to avoid any copyright issues?
It may also be worth editing the original English text anyway, since from memory it didn't make much sense at times.
If you want to unencrypt the files yourself, here's a small Python script to do so. If you have Python installed, you can run it like "xor.py 0x75 TEXT\*.txt".
EDIT: 30/05/2011 - I've found my translator! Turns out Google Translate does a damn fine job. I'll tweak the text a bit to match some of the existing English translations and maybe add some flavour... stay tuned.